Monday, August 31, 2009

Knights of Columbus on Church's Embrace of Neighbor, Following $1 Million Donation to Remove Right of Marriage from Gays

And speaking of Catholics who drive others away from the church, while claiming to serve a truth grounded in love (and welcome and mercy and inclusion and all those other glowing words), check out what the Supreme Knight of Columbus Carl A. Anderson had to say Friday at a meeting in Rimini, Italy.

Anderson said,

Nowhere is the face of our Church more attractive than in our open embrace of our neighbor. Each encounter with those in need is actually an opportunity to create a civilization of love, one person, one act at a time.

Really? Because I’m having trouble seeing the face of the church as attractive when Anderson’s Knights have just given $50,000 to remove the right of marriage from gay citizens of Maine, and when they poured over a million dollars into the battle to roll back the right of marriage for same-sex couples in California.

Somehow not feeling that “embrace” that Anderson says is the touchstone of authentic Christianity, in what the Knights have been doing to their gay brothers and sisters recently.

Or perhaps that “civilization of love” and the church Anderson serves are exclusively for straight people?